The Best Version Of You

Uncategorized Jan 23, 2020

Over the years I have often heard this phrase used in countless advertisements by self-development mentors and gurus, and my guess would be that it is most likely articulated in every tongue, tribe and nation.

For an incalculable amount of time, man has evolved and as his ability to recognize his deficiencies has matured, he has endeavored in becoming better, stronger, wiser, more intelligent. Not to mention superhuman as his imagination propelled him to view himself even in a supernatural way.    

The worldwide web is teeming with the latest and greatest gadgets, trinkets, courses, guides and techniques on how to become the best new version of You.

“In just 30 days, this magic pill will change your life, buy my course now, these products are sure to work, join my tribe, get real results, only $19.99 if you act now, first month free, check us out on YouTube, sign up now”, and this is just an example of the few that I can quickly conjure up in less than a matter of minutes. I am very confident that you could add a few of your own.

So, what’s all the fuss about? Why aren’t we ok just the way we are. Why do we as humans need and strive to be better? And what exactly is better? Better than what? Our neighbors, our coworkers, our parents, our friends, teammates and peers?  

Why is it that we are just not comfortable in our own skin?

Well, truth be known, there is no flick of the switch answer. This is a very complex subject that mental health experts have been discussing, dissecting and attempting to answer for quite some time. There is certainly a host of new understanding resulting in man having become more proficient in his quest to better himself, fulfilling that innate desire to be more, do more and maybe to just be a better, kinder human being in a world that is not so replete on the showground of the proverbial golden rule, void of any ulterior motives or hidden schemas.

The “better You”, bug bit me back in my early twenties. A good friend and coworker who always had his Sony Walkman in his holster and two or three cassettes in his pocket sporting his noise cancelling fitted ear buds that dangled across his mid-section was the smooth criminal.

There was something very different about Bernie. The obvious was that he was a church going man that believed in Jesus. In my opinion he led an exemplary life adhering to his core beliefs on and off the “stage”. Not a perfect man by any means, but certainly one that I honored respected and looked up to.

As I peered behind the curtain, it wasn’t long after that I discovered a few of his secrets to living a fulfilled life. I was very aware that he attributed his happiness and identity to the relationship that he cultivated with Jesus, but there were some practical things that he did to be the best version that he could be.

“Unlimited Power”! Just the name alone evoked deep feelings within me that I had never felt but somehow seem to recognize in a mystical kind of way. I was always drawn to a source that I could never truly verbalize or put into words. It was an inscrutable perception that I had entrenched in the marrow of my bone. I was convinced at a very tender age that there was something out there orchestrating every part of my world.  This innate sense escorted me to many places that were unfavorable in my quest to find the source of life.

There I was, modeling and the person across from me clueless to my mimicking but finding themselves with a sense of having known me since they were kids even though we had just met moments earlier.

I had become very competent in the art of Neurolinguistic Programming.

It seemed like just a few days had gone by since Bernie had loaned me my very first intro tape  by none other than Anthony Robbins. He was larger than life to me and I believe that I literally listened to a few of the tapes so much that they heated to the point of popping!

I have to resist the urge to tell you more because this will turn into a book rather than a blog. The end result is that through the intentional use of these tools without a shadow of a doubt I became a better version of me in a short span of time. For this reason, I have always been an advocate and cheerleader to anyone who desires and takes the necessary steps to become then best version of themselves! I am confident that with the right tools and accountability, most people can do it.  

A few years later after gaining significant success in my career, as a direct result of spending countless hours studying and implementing Tony’s techniques, I moved on to what appeared to be greener pastures.

Once at an airport kiosk I was compelled to pick up a copy of “Dianetics”. I mean why not; everyone was reading it and I was hearing amazing accounts of life transformations and I trusted that I was a perfect candidate to experience whatever it was that this new trinket offered. I somehow knew that it found me when I wasn’t looking, so it had to be the next light on the runway for me.

Without going into too much detail and pressing fast forward, it’s fair to say that by utilizing the techniques I acquired coupled with what I already had in my toolbox, I achieved greater success in my life over the next two years.  Looking back, I can say that I arrived at being the “best version of me” that I knew up to that point in my life.

At my wits end on a suicidal ideation treadmill, I all the sudden found myself in what I can only describe as laying cradled in the hand of God. It all happened so fast. It was dreamlike as I recall the moments that led to my conversion. I remember belly-crawling to the TV from my bed in the midst of what appeared to be a tumultuous battle. I could hear swords clanging and loud blood curdling screeches. I could sense what felt like feathers brushing against me as large wings flew past me.

I cried out to the one who would make the best version of me for eternity in one fell swoop. The Master of Masters who with one word could restructure my entire DNA, sealing me and marking me as His very own. With a love stronger than death and unyielding as the grave.

This was the grand finale, the culmination of years and years of seeking, longing and yearning to belong. To just truly belong. He captivated me entirely and there was no other trinket that could satisfy the longings of my heart. I was complete and finally I had arrived at the shores of freedom. I was home.

Decades later I was lost as a goose in the fog. Somehow, I took too may lefts ignoring the signs and the messengers that had been dispatched to pilot me in the right direction. I lost sight of the master guide and resorted to my own GPS and it wasn’t long before I was far away from home with no compass or means to shoot an azimuth.

It was during that season that I met the grim reapers close friend, the dark night of the soul. I didn’t think that I would make it out of that abyss alive, but by hook or by crook, the day arrived when my senses returned and I was able to crawl out of the miry clay I had been entombed in.

I wrestled within as I explored the range of options that were in front of me as a course of action. Never once remotely ruling out the certainty that God would be at the center of any direction that I chose from the starting point. I knew that I was a new creation and old things had passed away but I still visualized that terrifying night many years ago when my very soul was being fought over.

As a grown man I was also keenly aware that there exists a natural plane. A place where  practical steps are required day to day, unquestionably [for me] requiring the help of the “Paraclete”, but nonetheless are not in conflict with my desire to becoming the best version of ME.

I overheard recently that believers who attempt to become better versions of themselves are in many ways denying the power of God, and the transforming power that takes place when we are inoculated and become integrate parts of His Kingdom.

I do believe that it can be a slippery slope for anyone who is not rooted and grounded in Christ. We must know with certainty that our identity must be in Him and not on the latest and greatest new self-development, Best of the New York Times author.

 I remain in no doubt that we can have all things as long as nothing can own us but Christ.

 As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.     1 Timothy 6:17

I began on a quest roughly two years ago with the same slogan as I did back in the early 80’s, To be the best version of me, ever! I humbly convey to you that my barometer, my best friend and wife would gladly take the witness stand and attest to the growth and maturity that has taken place in my life as a result of acquiring some invaluable tools and putting in the work.

If you have decided that the old you will no longer cut it, and you have taken the necessary measures to become the best version of you, for you, for your family, for your coworkers, for your team, for your city, for your country, please allow me be the first to commend and congratulate you!

I am proud of you that you recognized that you can live a more rewarding, happy, content life subsequently enriching the lives of those that orbit around you.

This subject can tend to be rather controversial. Don’t be too alarmed, if you are a believer when you make this announcement to friends and family that you have elected to become the best version of You.

You can do it and know that there are many who are applauding you, cheering you on, and feel the excitement as you forge ahead advancing and succeeding in every area of your life.

Is there a best version of You? Only you can determine that. I just know that for me, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a better outcome. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

I am a better version of who I was, and I will continually put out all the stops that attempt to hinder and block me from reaching my full potential.

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