So, You Wanna Be In Full Time Ministry?

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2023

The music began it’s tranquil descent as the vapors of a quiet hush began to fill the room.

My fourteen-year-old  senses were so heightened that I could hear the sound of tear drops hitting the mosaic tile floor as they rolled down and ascended from the cheeks of the other kids.

The vibration emitting from the huge fan blades whirling, permeated the atmosphere as I watched microphones being swapped and facial gestures recognized and exchanged as the Segway commenced.

“Thank you I see your hand, in the back, I see your hand, bless you, I see your hand, Hallelujah, God is good. I see your hand, thank you I see your hand, John Deere hat, I see your hand thank you, over here by the wall, flannel shirt, I see your hand.”

This was all too familiar verbiage. In fact, I must admit that there were times in my life when those words were abrasive to me. It was not easy growing up as a PK, but I knew that to pop, this was the most important part of the service. No matter how challenging it may have been for him to be like Jesus at home, no one could deny that pop was a soul winner.

He came from a long line of fiery preachers who were getting you your ticket to dem pearly gates one way or another!

As I got older and began to have a better understanding of religion or Christianity, I began to resent the ol skool fire and brimstone preaching. I guess for me, I just happen to discover that God was not looking to take me down a dark alley and beat me upside the head every time that I fell short of being a good little Christian boy. The fear factor sermons had left a bitter taste in my mouth, and I vowed to never attempt to coerce anyone into heaven utilizing fear-based theology.

I looked up to Jenny’s dad more than I did my own father. Even though he was a branch on the same tree, there was something very different about Jenny’s pop, unlike Paw, he was the same at home because on many occasions when I was invited to eat at Jenny’s house, I made it a point to keep a bead on him, because in the back of my mind, I was sure that all these preachers may love Jesus, but they each had a fox or two in the henhouse.

Throughout my adolescent years it was engrained in me that I would follow in paws footsteps and one day I would stand tall behind that old oak pulpit, that’s been around since the dinosaurs. What I knew in my craw was one thing for sure. I would be like Pastor Ellis and not like all these other grumpy old hypocrites I cut my teeth with.

I was elated when Julio, our host informed me that the replacement interpreter had just arrived. It was unfortunate that the original one ended up contracting Dengue, which is a tropical disease very similar to Malaria.

That night, in that little humid green room I grabbed a hold of my notes that I had meticulously and prayerfully executed and all the sudden I sensed that I was supposed to leave the notes behind and simply share my testimony. I felt a lot of peace and knew that I need to hearken to that gentle little nudge.

As I shared my life story, I could not recall a time in the past when I had shared my testimony that it was so detailed and illustrated as it was this night. I didn’t quite understand why but I was led to share many stories

As I stood there sharing my testimony, I couldn't help but think about how my life had brought me to this moment. It wasn't easy growing up as a preacher's kid, constantly feeling like I had to live up to certain expectations and being surrounded by fire and brimstone preaching. But I knew that I couldn't let that bitterness consume me.

It was during my teenage years that I met Jenny's dad, a pastor who was unlike any other I had known. He wasn't just a preacher on Sundays, he was the same person at home and in public. He showed me that being a Christian wasn't just about preaching, it was about living a life that exemplified Christ's love and compassion.

And now, as I stood in this little green room, about to speak to a group of people about my faith, I knew that I wanted to be like Pastor Ellis. I wanted to be someone who not only preached the word of God but lived it out every day.

As I shared my testimony that night, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. It was like God was guiding my words and showing me what to say. And as I spoke, I couldn't help but think about the miracles that Jesus performed during his time on earth.

Jesus didn't just preach about love and compassion; he showed it through his actions. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and forgave the sinners. And as I thought about his example, I realized that being in full-time ministry wasn't just about preaching, it was about following in Jesus' footsteps and showing his love to those around us.

Just like Jesus, we are called to be the hands and feet of God, spreading his love and compassion to everyone we meet. And while preaching and sharing the word of God is important, it's our actions that truly speak louder than words.

So, if you're thinking about going into full-time ministry, remember that it's not just about preaching. It's about living a life that reflects Christ's love and compassion. It's about being the hands and feet of God and showing his love to everyone you meet. And while it won't always be easy, the rewards of seeing lives transformed by God's love make it all worth it.

At the end of the day, if you said "Yes", to Jesus' invitation to be part of His Kingdom and received the gift of eternal life, allow me to be the first to congratulate you, because as a result, you are now officially in Full-time Ministry"!



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