I'm Just passing Through.....

Uncategorized Apr 30, 2023

The human experience is a curious thing, my friends. We are spirits, temporarily housed in these fleshy earth suits, experiencing all the trials and tribulations of this physical world. But as believers in Jesus, we know that this is not our true home. We have been given the gift of eternal life, and this world is only a temporary pitstop on our journey to a greater destiny.

 Yes, my friends, we are spirits having a physical experience. Our bodies are merely vessels, temporary homes for our true selves. We are made in the image of God, and our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. This physical world may consume our thoughts and attention, but we know that there is more to life than just this.

As we go through life, we encounter challenges, heartaches, and pain. We may suffer loss, disappointment, and failure. But as believers in Jesus, we know that these trials are only temporary. We have a hope and a promise of eternal life with God. Our spirits will live on forever, long after our physical bodies have worn out.

This understanding changes the way we see the world. We realize that the things of this world are passing away, but the things of God are eternal. We seek to serve Him and others, to love deeply and forgive freely. We know that our time on this earth is limited, and we want to make the most of every moment.

So, let us remember that we are spirits having a physical experience. Our bodies are merely temporary earth suits, and this world is not our true home. We have been given the gift of eternal life, and we look forward to the day when we will be reunited with our Creator in heaven. May we live our lives with this perspective in mind and make the most of every moment we have in this physical world.


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